Here are some of my blog posts

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How to detach from the wrong man

Detachment from a toxic or unhealthy relationship can be challenging but ultimately liberating. It is better to start all over with the right person than be stuck with the wrong one.

10 Tips to Overcome Self-Doubt

One thing I discovered sometime ago is that, Self-doubt comes to everyone! Imposter Syndrome comes to everyone on different levels! But, unfortunately, I discovered that many GREAT people do not talk about HOW they deal with it often!

Oversharing on Social Media

I found it amusing when I realized that anyone who overshares is called an "OVERSHARER". To start with, what is oversharing? According to the Oxford dictionary, "Oversharing on social media is sharing too much information about your personal life or the lives of others.

How to build trust in your relationship

Today, I'd be talking about HOW TO BUILD TRUST IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP. I have come up with MY 5 step-by-step method: 1. Vulnerability 2. Communication 3. Boundaries 4. Appreciation 5. Loyalty